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9th physics:Force and laws of Motion: Important Guess Questions

Q1. Define force and its SI unit? Q 2. Distinguish between balanced and unbalanced force? Q3. State three laws of motion? Q 4. What is inertia? Is inertia vector quantity. Justify? Q5. What is impulse? Prove that Impulse is equal to change in momentum? Q. 6. Define momentum and Prove that F = ma Q 7. Is it possible that a body keeps on moving with uniform velocity with? If yes give reason also name scientist who explained this statement? Q 8. Why a person sitting in bus fall forward when moving bus suddenly stops? Q9. Why people sitting in bus fall backward when bus suddenly starts? Q10. Why dust fall on beating carpet with stick? Q11. Why leaves fall when we are shacking branch of tree? Q12. Why an athlete runs certain distance before taking long jump? Q13. When bus takes u turn, passengers sitting inside thrown a side. Why? Q14. Explain why it is difficult for a fireman to hold a hose, which ejects large amount of water at a high velocity. Q15. How a karate

6th Science: Changes around us Notes and solved Questions

Changes around us are continuous process .  Some changes occur naturally and some changes can be brought about by us. Such changes are: Rusting of iron, change of the state of water, Burning of wood, Growth of nail and hair, Blooming of flower and change in day and night ,season change, What are different types of changes? 1. Reversible changes : Changes that can be reversed is called Reversible changes. Example: water changes into ice on cooling, wax change into liquid on heating, blowing of balloon  2. Irreversible changes: Changes that cannot be reversed is called irreversible changes. Like Milk change in to curd, Iron changes to rust, Burning of paper, cooking of food, Growth of plant and animals, weathering of rocks, wear and tear of tires. 3. Physical changes : Changes in which physical properties like shape, size and state changes without formation of new substance is called Physical changes. It is a type of reversible changes. e.g. Melting of wax, solution of su